Saturday, July 23, 2005

A new baby, A new job and lack of spanking

Well I can't necessarily say that my daughter is a "new baby" anymore, because she's 5 months old. I can however say he is cute as a button. Work is going.... well... worklike. I just got done pulling 6 graveyard shifts in a row thursday morning and I am still recovering from that. Work and baby are pretty much the reason why I haven't been posting on my blog for a long time. I have been really busy trying to keep up with family, friends, and work. Plus spend a little much needed time with my husband.

As the title says there have been no spankings.. for quite a while. Just a few prissy swats here and there.. although the den is helping to keep me in line.. so they are making up for it :P

I still haven't written my essays for HeadTeddy yet, which were due like, 2 months ago... :( oops :D maybe no one will read this and no one will notice.. whatcha think???


At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kendra, it's Ben Dover from the Den.

I'm sorry that there have been no spankings for you sweety. I hope that your darling husband understands your needs soon.

I have a lot to say about your anger, and I hope you read my post over there. Or just send me an email - you know how.

- Ben

At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep thinking that life in a first
world country is not supposed to be
this hard. But that's a long political
topic, which I'll leave alone here.

I just discovered your blog. I hope
that life gets better and you get
your bottom lovingly warmed.


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Kendra said...

Hey guys, I have been working alot.. Thanx for the encouragement, things still haven't changed much, but we are working on it.. Anyway guys, I gotta get going, just wanted to drop in and say Hi.

At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes during pregnancy when you brat, as I'm prone to do, I still got talked to by the paddle. All my children were fine, and I didn't miss a lick during pregnancy. Some of those were pretty sound, too.


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