I got a spanking !!!
Okay, I realize I shouldn't brag about this, because it was a discipline spanking, but.. I GOT A SPANKING!!!!..
I got home from work 2 hours late, because I went to the casino. I had permission to go, but I didn't have permission to spend as much as I did. I had a $5.00 limit, and I spent $20.00. My husband wasn't happy to say the least. He said "I have tried everything I can think of OTHER then spanking you.. we'll try it your way." I was over his lap quicker then I could even imagine. He lectured and spanked for quite a while (With the CB paddle) Then toward the end he asked me what my limit had been set at, (I was in tears by this point) I answered "5" then he asked how much I had spent "20" then he asked what the difference was. "15 dollars" I sobbed. Then he said "count with me" and delivered 15 more. I don't really know if I was feeling more guilty then shocked, or what, but I was bawling. Afterwards I sat on his lap and he held me until I quit crying, and calmed down.
He had originally told me that he was going to get food at McDonald's and I was to stand in the corner, and there would be more when he got home. But he settled for me putting away the groceries, and I'm grounded from gambling. Until at least Tuesday.
So the lesson here is...
Don't go gambling without your husband there (or at all) unless you leave all the money you have (Except your limit) at home.
Side note, totally unrelated to anything: I have posted twice in one month, I feel like I have something to say now :):):)
Spankings, spankings, who wants a spanking??
Okay Okay Okay, I know all of my loyal fans have missed me (I love you guys), but life with a new baby keeps be busy busy busy. (Okay, she's not so "new" anymore, but she sure is busy)
That last two spankings I got were virtual (meaning not "real" in a sense of physical contact) They were both for the same thing, but from two seperate people. They were both online and by people I have known and loved for a while. One from a really close girl friend of mine Amanda and an old friend of mine from High School who we always called G. They both were rather short, but when you are online, (at least IMHO) it's the thought that counts. The infraction however is very serious, and I'm hoping my husband will come around to this point very soon before one of us or the baby gets really sick. I have been sick with Asthma related bronchitis for the past week or so, and still smoking. (Not to mention not eating, *covors mouth* I didn't say that outloud did I *innocent grin*) I wish I could find someway of convincing my husband that I want and need him to help me with these things.. just the sheer thought of knowing that I dissappointed him is devistating to me, but he never lets on that he is dissappointed, or that anything is wrong. It's not so much that I want him to spank me for stupid little things, but more the health risks, the gambling issues.. ya know??
So, that's about the extent of my spankings for the past... since I posted last.. except for the few times I would spank myself when my husband wasn't home. He doesn't know about it, and I am not sure if he wants to.. hmm..
Anyway.. gotta head out I am going to be in trouble (Well, probably not, but ya know) I was supposed to be in bed 2 hours ago..
Whatcha think? I deserve a spanking??